Direction Rio. The daily departures of the Italian athletes towards the Brazilian city that will host the Olympic Games are continuing. And, with the flight departing from Fiumicino tonight, officially begins the adventure of the Olympic water polo team "Settebello"(Matteo Aicardi, Michael Bodegas, Marco Del Lungo, Francesco Di Fulvio, Pietro Figlioli, Andrea Fondelli, Valentino Gallo, Niccolò Gitto, Alessandro Nora , Christian Presciutti, Nicholas Presciutti, Stefano Tempesti and Alessandro Velotto), the women of archery (Lucilla Boari, Claudia Mandia and Guendalina Sartori), the team of the equestrian eventing, composed by Stefano Brecciaroli, Arianna Schivo and brothers Luca and Pietro Roman, the two weightlifters Giorgia Bordignon and Mirco Scarantino and sailors Mattia Camboni, Marrai Francesco and Silvia Zennaro.