Today, the Technical Director Giuseppe La Mura, at the end of a day focused on verifying the group of athletes called up to form the men's eights and the women's lightweight double sculls, by virtue of the decisions taken by the International Federation (FISA) with the exclusion of Russian crews from the Olympic programme, has released the official line up of the two teams that are composed as follows:
men's eights Vincenzo Maria Capelli, Luca Agamennoni, Simone Venier, Matteo Stefanini, Pierpaolo Frattini, Mario Paonessa, Fabio Infimo, Emanuele Liuzzi and cox Enrico D'Aniello; women's lightweight double sculls Valentina Rodini and Laura Milani. The role of the only reserve, exclusively for the senior men, will be covered by Luca Parlato.

In light of these further qualifications the Italian fleet at the Rio Games will consist of 8 boats - six male (double sculls, coxless pairs, coxless fours and senior eights; lightweight double sculls and lightweight coxless fours) and 2 female (senior coxless pairs and lightweight double sculls) - and consists of 29 athletes (25 men and 4 women), with Capelli who from Senior reserve takes his place as part of the eights.

The number of Italian athletes qualified for the Brazilian Games now stands at 307 (163 men and 144 women).

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