Italia Team flies to Rio with 297 athletes. Today, the deadline for entering the competitions, the final list of participants in the 32nd Summer Olympics was officially announced. The delegation will be made up of 155 men and 142 women: this is the largest ever number of female athletes, at both absolute and percentage level: 47.81, more than the 43.78% recorded in London 2012. Lombardy will be the region with the highest number of participants (43), ahead of Lazio (36), whereas Rome is the leading province (30), ahead of Naples (13). The overall average age is around 27 (27.27%), and is slightly lower compared to London 2012 (27.82): the oldest athlete is the timeless skeet shooting champion, Giovanni Pellielo (46), who also leads in number of Olympic participations (7), whereas swimmer Sara Franceschi (who was 17 in February) will be the youngest. The Fiamme Gialle, the Military corps with the largest delegation, with 40 athletes, and the Fiamme Oro (with 37). The Circolo Canottieri Aniene, the most representational civilian sports club with 9 athletes and the Pro Recco (7). Finally, there will be 29 athletes competing in Rio who have won medals in the London 2012. The Italia Team is ready “to take off”.


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