Also the Italian K4 1000 will take part in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games. Confirmation came just minutes ago directly from the Canoe Federation that had decided last Friday, for reasons connected to doping, to exclude Romania and Belarus from the Games; 11 Romanians were found positive in doping tests, and the Belarus rowers instead were found with doping substances at a meeting held in France a few weeks ago.

Exclusions that have led the ICF to reassign the quotas taken from Romania and Belarus, with Italy obtaining passes for other four athletes in addition to those that qualified. Alberto Ricchetti, Giulio Dressino, Nicola Ripamonti and Mauro Crenna therefore will join the Italian canoeists already with the Olympic pass in their pocket, i.e: sprinters Carlo Tacchini (qualified in the C1 1000), Manfredi Rizza (K1 200), slalomers Giovanni De Gennaro (men’s K1 ) and Stefanie Horn (women’s K1).

 The Italian athletes certain to participate in the Rio 2016 Games are 294 (154 men, 140 women) in 28 different disciplines.


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