1yearLots of things can happen in 365 days. Or 366 days, considering that 2016 is a leap year. In each person’s life there will be at least one summer, one birthday, lots of happiness, a little sadness, some stress and numerous achievements. The next 12 months will touch the lives of all cariocas and all Brazilians in a special way, culminating in the start of the biggest sporting festival on the planet, on 5 August 2016.

More than 10,000 of the best athletes in the world will come to Rio, representing 206 countries.

Until then, dozens of test events will warm the city up for the Games, the first to be staged in South America. At the same time, the country will be inspired by the Olympic torch relay, which will pass through 300 cities, starting in May. The great symbol of Olympism will help spread the warmth and joy of Brazilians across the whole world. Since Rio won the right to host the Games, in 2009, the organising committee has worked on many initiatives in various areas. Much has been achieved and more will be delivered in the final straight. It is an era that Brazil will never forget.

1. Taking the Games into schools

Launched in 2014, the Rio 2016 education programme (Transforma) promotes new sports, and Olympic and Paralympic values in schools.

  • Transforma reaches 2,200 public and private institutions and one million students
  • It has already trained 5,700 education professionals, including coordinators, physical education teachers, young agents and tutors
  • Of this total, 3,600 are young agents (student leaders in schools)
  • During this period, 12,780 hours of training were completed by coordinators and physical education teachers
  • Three Transforma sports festivals have already brought together more than 3,000 people

What lies ahead?

To increase its reach, the programme launched in August, in partnership with the Ministry for Education, a long-distance online teaching platform, in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

2. Inspiring volunteering in Brazil and around the world

The volunteer programme, launched in 2014, had over 240,000 sign-ups from all states in Brazil and another 192 countries. The United States, Russia, China and Great Britain were the nations with the most candidates after Brazil.

  • Over 240,000 sign-ups
  • From 192 countries
  • Eight training centres across Brazil
  • Over 20,000 candidates already selected and ready to perform
  • 70,000 will work at volunteers at the Olympic and Paralympic Games

What lies ahead?

This year the list of selected candidates will be published, and the training phase begins in February 2016.

3. Economic catalyst

Rio 2016’s objective is to have, by 2016, 70,000 licensed companies that will supply 40,000 sale points, as well as 150 official stores in airports, shopping centres, hotels, the athletes’ village and at all Games venues. Three stores are already open in Rio de Janeiro and there is also an online store in Brazil.

  • 70  licensed companies
  • 40,000  sale points
  • 150  official
  • 52  contracts already been signed
  • More than 1,000 products developed

What lies ahead?

By the end of the year, more stores will be opened at airports in Rio and São Paulo, as well as shopping centres in Rio. The expectation is that by next year, thousands of different types of products will have been developed, which should generate R$1 billion in Brazilian retail.

4. A torch to inspire a nation

The concept of the Rio 2016 Olympic torch was presented at the beginning of 2015, with the union between the Olympic flame and the warmth of the Brazilian people being the central notion. The relay will begin with the traditional lighting ceremony in the Greek city of Olympia, birthplace of the ancient Games.

  • 83 cities are already confirmed along the relay route
  • 12,000 torchbearers will carry the Olympic flame around Brazil
  • The torch will pass through 300 cities in 26 Brazilian states, as well as the Federal District
  • The relay will last approximately 100 days, starting in the capital city of Brasília

What lies ahead?

By the end of 2015, Rio 2016 will announce all the cities where the relay will pass through. At the beginning of 2016, the organising committee and sponsors will announce who the 12,000 torchbearers will be.

5. Job creation

The Rio 2016 Games will create 85,000 contractor jobs, the majority of which will be in the service sector. The sectors that will hire the most people are:

  • Security: 19,000
  • Food and beverages: 14,000
  • Transport:  8,000
  • Tickets and hospitality: 8,000
  • Cleaning services: 7,000
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