Date of birth: 26/04/1996

Place of Birth: Civitavecchia

m. 1,79

kg. 71

Speciality RS: X


Mattia started windsurfing from a very young age. By 6 years old he was already used to the water: in the basin of Rome's Citavecchia Navy League older friends encouraged him, spurring him on to get up on a surfboard, from which he was never to dismount. After his first few years of training and making sacrifices, while he struggled to emerge, he is beginning to get much satisfaction, both nationally and internationally. A UNICEF spokesperson, he attended the Civitavecchia Sciences High School. Now, at the age of 20, he arrives in Rio to race in the RS:X class and to live his Olympic dream. This native of Lazio was picked over his friend and rival, Daniele Benedetti, (though only in water sports). From 16 years of age they both lived in the same building, sharing the same passion: they launched a crowdfunding appeal on the internet to pay for their Olympic campaign. He will most certainly be competing in Brazil.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

See details
Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 15/04/2016
First Club: Lega Navale Italiana Civitavecchia
Club: Fiamme Azzurre
First Coach: Adriano Stella
Coach: Riccardo Belli Dell’Isca
Other sports: Surf, MTB, tennis
Hobby: Dancing
Relationship Status: Single


World Championship

27° Santander 2014 - RS:X

9° Al-Mussanah 2015 - RS:X

17°  Eilat 2016 - RS:X

European Championship

35° Cesme 2014 - RS:X
22° Mondello 2015 - RS:X

World Cup

2015- 3° nel ranking

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