Date of birth: 19/04/1993

Place of Birth: Negrar

m. 1,83


Speciality Individual


Despite a bad period of results, with the figures in hand you could say it was somewhat predestined. At the age of three and a half, in fact, he started to get a feel for the clubs, encouraged by his father, and in just a few years had broken several records: he was the youngest winner ever of the British Amateur Championship (16 years old) and of the BMW PGA Championship (21 years old), and also the youngest to win a tournament on the European Tour, when he was just 17 years old. Son of Roberto, a distributor of medical equipment, and Francesca, employed in an estate agency, he had Justin Rose as his main role model due to his style of play and attitude on the course.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 11/07/2016
First Club: Gardagolf Country Club
First Coach: Alberto Binaghi
Coach: Alberto Binaghi
Other sports: Football
Hobby: Tv, music
Relationship Status: Single


Other results

1° Castellò Masters 2010

1° Malaysian Open 2011

1° Barclays Singapore Open 2012

1° BMW PGA Championship 2013

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