Date of birth: 22/12/1979
Place of Birth: Borgomanero
Kg. 70
The first of 544 matches played with the national team (an absolute record) dates back to 1998, when she made her debut winning against Brazil. And it is in Carioca land that the Italian tosser will play in the fifth Olympic Games of her career, and try again to step on the most prestigious of podiums. As part of the Italian national team she played and won practically every competition, whereas at club level her career is associated mostly with Bergamo, though she also played in Turkey, with the Galatasaray first and then with Fenerbahce. She won an important challenge also outside the field when she recovered without consequences form a small operation to remove a breast tumour which was diagnosed in 2011.
Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions
See detailsPalmares
Olympic Games
9° Sidney 2000
5° Atene 2004
5° Pechino 2008
5° Londra 2012
World Championship
5° Osaka 1998
1° Berlino 2002
4° Osaka 2006
5° Tokyo 2010
4° Milano 2014
European Championship
3° Roma 1999
2° Varna 2001
2° Zagabria 2005
1° Lussemburgo 2007
1° Lodz 2009
World Cup
1° Nagoya 2007
1° Tokyo 2011