Date of birth: 27/03/1993

Place of Birth: Vinnitsa

m. 1,67

kg. 56

Speciality Triple jump


She has continued in the footsteps of her parents: her father Serhiy, in fact, is a former decathlete, while her mother Oksana was a strong triple jumper. Born not far from Kiev, she moved near Salerno when she was a child. Dariya had to wait until 2013 to obtain Italian citizenship and the opportunity to compete at international level but, in the meantime, she had already taken 18 youth titles, including multiple trials, long jump and triple jump. In Rio, she will be competing in the triple jump, a speciality which saw her come second in the Under-23 European Championships in 2013 and in the Under-23 Mediterranean Games in 2014. She is attending a language graduate program at the University of Salerno.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 14/07/2016
First Club: Atletica Vis Nova Salerno
Club: Aeronautica
First Coach: Serhiy Derkach
Coach: Serhiy Derkach
Hobby: Music, shopping
Relationship Status: Single


World Championship

28° qual. Mosca 2013 - lungo

European Championship

21° qual. Zurigo 2014 - triplo

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