Date of birth: 30/03/1984

Place of Birth: Contrada

m. 1,68

kg. 57

Speciality 60 kg


In 2008 he nearly qualified for Beijing: the disappointment of having failed to meet his target led him to consider withdrawing. However, today he is the first Italian “Pro” boxer to participate in the Olympic Games, after the recent changes in the regulation designed and introduced by AIBA. He started boxing almost by accident, when his parents opened a bar in Contrada and signed him into the only gym in the city, where boxing happened to be practised. His idols include Floyd Mayweather and Vasyl Lomachenko. He owns a jewellery shop, but the ring is his life: he has fought 93 matches, winning 63 times, 15 of which as a Pro. Technique and leg movements are the qualities with which he will try to conquer Rio 2016.


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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 08/07/2016
First Club: Contrada Boxe
Club: Contrada Boxe
First Coach: Michele Picariello
Coach: Michele Picariello
Relationship Status: Single


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