Date of birth: 02/08/1981

Place of Birth: Senigallia

m. 2,02


Speciality 12-team Tournament


He fell, picked himself up again and won everything. In 2002 he was diagnosed with an ischemia in his left arm and had to stop for two years; at a certain point it looked like he was going to have to give up his career all together. Instead, he managed to return to the playing field and achieved a number of victories with the Trento team and the National team. He has a degree in Motor Science and he also fulfilled his dream of taking part in the Olympic adventure in Rio, after the successful experience 4 years ago which rewarded him with a bronze medal. He likes to read, listen to music and travel when he’s not playing volleyball, although he considers himself privileged to play for a living.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 23/09/2015
First Club: Polisportiva Ostra
Club: Sir Safety perugia
First Coach: Rodolfo Esposti
Coach: Slobodan Kovac
Position: Middle hitter
Other sports: Tennis, basketball
Hobby: playing bass guitar
Relationship Status: Married


World Championship

4° Italia 2010
13° Polonia 2014

European Championship

 2° Danimarca /Polonia 2013 

 2° Rep. Ceca 2011

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