Date of birth: 10/12/1998

Place of Birth: Cittadella

m. 1,90

kg. 72

Speciality 12-team Tournament


From being unknown to most people, in a short time she has taken the lead role and the limelight, thanks to the powerful arm that can literally tear down the opposition. Born in Cittadella to Nigerian parents, she exploded on to the scene at the World Under-18 Championship, where she won the gold medal, the award of best scorer in the final and the award for best player of the tournament. She started playing volleyball at the age of 12 and her height, combined with an impressive elevation, did not go unnoticed and, so, within a few years, she became part of the Italian Club and national team. In the pre-Olympic tournament in Ankara, she made herself seen even among the 'big hitters', pushing the Italian team despite being the youngest at the whole event. The athlete is humble with her feet firmly on the ground, but is ready to take the flight to Rio.

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 21/05/2016
First Club: Cittadella
Club: Club Italia
First Coach: Cristiano Lucchi
Coach: Cristiano Lucchi
Position: Wing spiker
Hobby: Music, reading
Relationship Status: Single


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