Date of birth: 22/08/1984

Place of Birth: Marostica

m 1,60

kg. 53

Speciality Road race


She started cycling as a little girl to copy her cousin and, today, at 32 years of age, she can boast a showcase filled with trophies and remarkable results. The first difficulties she encountered were in having to convince her parents to let her pursue her passion and making them overcome their fears of the dangers implied in this sport and its unfeminine nature. But once she started pedalling she didn’t stop, winning three silver and one gold continental medals, a world title in 2009 and the bronze at the Beijing Olympics. Like most true citizens of Marostica, she is a keen chess player.

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Medal table

Achievements at the Olympic Games

See details
0 0 1


Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

See details
Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 21/05/2016
First Club: V.C. Città di Marostica
Club: Fiamme Azzurre
First Coach: Giancarlo Santini
Coach: Fabio Masotti
Hobby: Cinema, reading
Relationship Status: Single


Olympic Games

26° Atene 2004 - In linea
21° Atene 2004 - Cronometro
12° Pechino 2008  - Cronometro
3° Pechino 2008 - In linea
30° Londra 2012 - In linea
21° Londra 2012 - Cronometro

World Championship

60° Hamilton 2003 - In linea
10° Verona 2004 - Cronometro
2° Verona 2004 - In linea
16° Madrid 2005 - Cronometro
34° Madrid 2005 - In linea Elite
22° Salisburgo 2006 - Cronometro
39° Salisburgo 2006 - In linea
29° Varese 2008 - In linea
1° Mendrisio 2009 - In linea
18° Mendrisio 2009 - Cronometro
24° Melbourne 2010 - In linea
10° Melbourne 2010 - Cronometro
108° Copenaghen 2011 - In linea
79° Limburgo 2012 - In linea
5° Toscana 2013 - Cronosquadre
7° Toscana 2013 - In linea
37° Ponferrada 2014 - In linea
10° Richmond 2015 - Cronosquadre
62° Richmond 2015 - In linea

Olympic Games medal table

  gold silver bronze
Pechino 2008 road 0 0 1
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