Date of birth: 10/02/1987

Place of Birth: Aosta

m. 1,74

kg. 60

Speciality Individual


The Rio Games represent a sort of redemption. A sense of revenge against the bad luck that has haunted her since the Beijing Olympic race, an event that was supposed to consecrate her among the best and that, instead, as a result of a fall during the cycle section, marked the beginning of a very difficult period, hampered by numerous injuries. Part of the Fiamme Azzurre for more than 10 years thanks to the potential shown at a young age, she found the mental energy to recover from the four years after London 2012, retaking her place at the top of sport nationally and internationally. Music, friends and walks in the mountains characterise her life away from competitions and, finally, as a way of exorcising the bad luck of the past years, she now has a tattoo of a black cat.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 15/05/2016
First Club: Triathlon Valle d'Aosta
Club: Fiamme Azzurre
First Coach: Giorgio Viana
Coach: Mario Miglio
Other sports: Svimming, alpine skiing
Hobby: Music, friends
Relationship Status: Single


Olympic Games

44° Pechino 2008

European Championship

3° Pontevedra 2011 staffetta mista

1° Kitzbuhel 2014 staffetta mista

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