Date of birth: 11/10/1991

Place of Birth: Modena

m. 1,83

kg. 60

Speciality Individual


He set a record in London, appearing on the starting line of the event as the youngest of the 55 participants. He has had a rapid rise to success, since at the age of two, following in the footsteps of his older brother, he entered into the water. In 2006, then, he discovered the triathlon and was fascinated by it. His great passion remains, however, middle-distance running, even being able to represent Italy at two European cross-country events. Despite triathlon being a tough sport, he believes that the rewards at the end of a race widely pay off the endured hardships.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 15/05/2016
First Club: CUS Parma
Club: Fiamme Azzurre
First Coach: Renzo Finelli
Coach: Alessandro Bottoni
Other sports: Running
Hobby: Music, cooking
Relationship Status: Single


Olympic Games

29° Londra 2012

European Championship

3° Alanya 2013 staffetta mista

World Cup

2° Ishigaki 2012

2° Huatulco 2014

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