Date of birth: 13/07/1984

Place of Birth: Formia

m. 1,84

kg. 82

Speciality 12-team Tournament


A league title, an Italian Cup and a son. 2016 for the "blue" libero has been full of emotions, he helped to end the 14-year title drought for Modena. But the strongest emotion was provided by his wife, Eleonora, who gave birth to Riccardo at the end of March. Born in Formia, and raised in Latina, at 19 he began his journey around Italy to follow a dream that is now taking him to Brazil. Wearing the national team jersey he has already won a silver and a bronze at the Europeans, but the player from Lazio, about to obtain an Engineering degree with a thesis on the safety of sports facilities, is still not satisfied. That's for sure.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 23/09/2015
First Club: Sud Pontino Formia
Club: Modena
First Coach: Giuseppe Costigliola
Coach: Roberto Piazza
Position: Libero
Hobby: NBA Basketball
Relationship Status: Married


World Championship

13° Polonia 2014

European Championship

3° Bulgaria/Italia 2015

World Cup

2° Giappone 2015

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