Date of birth: 24/10/1990

Place of Birth: Asti

m. 2,09

kg. 104

Speciality 12-team Tournament


The DJ of the Italian team. With team mate Luca Vettori, he has launched a web radio that broadcasts from his home, but only in his free time. A professional volleyball player (in the role of middle), he plays for Italian champions Modena, and with Italvolley, in 2015, he won a silver medal at the World Cup and a European bronze. After lots of swimming and dabbling in basketball, he became interested in this sport when he was 12, attracted by the cartoon 'Mila and Shiro'. When he can, he likes to travel and experience new cultures. A bone marrow donor, participating at the Olympics is a dream come true for him. In Rio, the 25-year-old from Asti is going to give everything- heart, soul and body, to the Italian cause.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 23/09/2015
First Club: Grande Volley Asti
Club: Modena
First Coach: Cinzia Ollari, Fausto Ferraris
Coach: Roberto Piazza
Position: Middle hitter
Other sports: Swimming
Hobby: Web radio, theater, music
Relationship Status: Single


World Championship

13° Polonia 2014

European Championship

2° Danimarca/Polonia 2013

3° Bulgaria/Italia 2015

World Cup

2° Giappone 2015

Other results

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