Date of birth: 12/08/1985

Place of Birth: Santiago de Cuba

m. 2,00

kg. 95

Speciality 12-team Tournament


"Let me cry because I feel Italian". Born in Santiago de Cuba 30 years ago, this is how he celebrated Italvolley's qualification for Rio. And, in Brazil, the hitter is intending to honour the Italian jersey, obtained by choice, after being considered a dissident by the Cuban government and a break caused to a mysterious disqualification for doping. Thanks to his first call-ups with the Italian team, in 2015 he won silver at the World Cup and bronze at the Europeans (where he was also awarded best hitter of the tournament). In Italy (Trento) he also found love, resulting in the birth of his daughter, Victoria. Nephew of former athletics champion Alberto Juantorena, the legendary 'El Caballo' (the horse), king of middle distances and winner of gold in the 400 and 800 metres at the Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976, he is also hoping to add an Olympic medal to the family cabinet.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 23/09/2015
First Club: Orientales de Santiago (CUB)
Club: Cucine Lube Banca Marche Civitanova
First Coach: Eugenio George
Coach: Gianlorenzo Blengini
Position: Wing spiker
Hobby: Shopping, cinema, music
Relationship Status: Married


European Championship

3° Bulgaria/Italia 2015

World Cup

2° Giappone 2015

Other results

2° Santo Domingo 2003 - Giochi panamericani

3° Serbia e Montenegro 2005 – World League

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