Date of birth: 05/04/1976

Place of Birth: Alessandria

m. 1,68

kg. 44

Speciality Marathon


Forty years old but not feeling it. An example of perseverance and will power, the marathon runner pursues an Olympic medal in Rio which could crown her extraordinary career. Although she joined the national team only at the age of 35, the Piedmontese runner was able to win a world and a European silver. Mother of Leonardo and Arianna, she has a degree in Languages and, until a short time ago, she worked as a nursery school teacher on a permanent contract. In 2010, she had to have her spleen and part of her gall bladder removed due to a spherocytosis condition of hereditary nature, and since then, her “life has changed” so much that, in sports, she has become one of the top 10 runners. Because, she’s not going to give in an inch, not on the road as in life.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 25/09/2015
First Club: Atletica Alessandria
Club: Runner Team 99
First Coach: Beatrice Brossa
Coach: Beatrice Brossa
Other sports: Artistic gymnastics, skiing, Free-diving, figure skating
Hobby: Walking on the mountain
Relationship Status: Married


Olympic Games

7° Londra 2012

World Championship

2° Mosca 2013

European Championship

2° Zurigo 2014

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