Carmine Tommasone won his Rio pass for boxing, in the 60 kg category, having gained third position in the pre-Olympic competition in Vargas (Venezuela). The Italian team athlete defeated the Turkish boxer Yasin Ylmaz with a score of 3-0, and he goes down in history as the first PRO athlete in this discipline to win the qualification for the Olympic Games, after the regulation amendments introduced by AIBA. Tommasone nearly reached this goal in 2008, when he saw the chance to fight on the Beijing ring as an amateur vanish. Today his victory feels like a redemption. Italian boxing had already broken another record ahead of Rio: Irma Testa is the first woman to qualify for the Olympic Games.
There are 273 athletes who are sure of their participation in the Rio 2016 Games (143 men, 130 women) in 27 different disciplines, with 180 individual passes.

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