Date of birth: 03/03/1991

Place of Birth: Zevio

m. 1,95

kg. 100

Speciality 12-team Tournament


The twenty-five-year old Venetian, is the 'Super Pippo' of the national Volleyball team, a sport that he took up following advice from his father, a former player. Before that, he only had some limited experience in skiing and rugby, where, in his position as a prop, he used to let off steam after school (he obtained a high school diploma in accounting). In Trento, where he had played from a young age, he also met Ana, a Spanish girl from Alicante, in Italy thanks to the Erasmus project. Since 2012, he has been part of the national team where he has won, among other things, a European and World Cup silver, a European bronze and achieved two third places in the World League. He loves to eat his Florentine steak rare and, when he finally stops playing, he dreams of running his own B&B. In Rio, however, there is now way he is going to relax.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 23/09/2015
First Club: Trentino Volley
Club: Trentino Volley
First Coach: Mario Barbiero
Coach: Angelo Lorenzetti
Position: Hitter
Hobby: Reading, cinema
Relationship Status: Single


World Championship

13° Polonia 2014

European Championship

2° Danimarca 2013

3° Bulgaria /Italia 2015

Other results

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