Date of birth: 06/05/1972

Place of Birth: Bursa

m. 1,63

kg. 48

Speciality Marathon


Just like a superhero appears to lead two parallel lives: this 44 year old, mother of two small children Corinne and Emilie, works in the emergency department of the paediatric hospital in Aosta (by virtue of her medical degree and specialisation in infectious diseases), however, once her white overalls are off, she demonstrates her ability to run a marathon in 2 hours and 30 mins. She previously focused on middle distances and even tried her hand at ski mountaineering, then in 2011 she made the leap forward setting a personal best, lowered further in the following years. She was born in Bursa (Turkey), her Italian father is from Turin (who worked for the foreign section of Fiat) and her mother is French (Breton from Saint-Malo), she has already breathed the Brazilian air as, during her childhood, she lived for almost eight years in Belo Horizonte. Now the Olympic dream takes her back to Brazil.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 14/07/2016
First Club: Atl. Murialdo Rivoli
Club: Atletica Sandro Calvesi
First Coach: Roberto Rastello
Coach: Roberto Rastello
Hobby: Reading, music
Relationship Status: Married


European Championship

38. Amsterdam 2016 - Mezza aratona

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