Date of birth: 23/10/1981

Place of Birth: Pordenone

m. 1,77

kg. 63

Speciality 400 m hurdles


At 34 years of age, she is about to embark on her second Olympic experience, after practically reinventing herself from a sporting point of view. After a career dedicated to the 100 metre hurdle, a speciality that saw her engaged in the London Games, the Pordenone athlete has in fact shifted her attention to longer distance - the 400m hurdle. Her Olympic pass arrived when she had just completed her fifth competition in this speciality, obtaining all in one go, not only qualification but also her personal record and the fifth best European time of the season. At an international level, she boasts a gold medal at the Mediterranean Games in Mersin in 2013, obtained in the 100m hurdle. She has worked as communication assistant in schools for deaf children: she is in fact a sign language interpreter.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 26/05/2016
First Club: Equipe Athletic Team Pordenone
Club: Aeronautica
First Coach: Roberto Belcari
Coach: Roberto Frinolli - Daniel Buttari
Hobby: Reading, music
Relationship Status: Single


Olympic Games

Semifinale Londra 2012 - 100 m ostacoli

World Championship

Batterie Daegu 2011 - 100 m ostacoli

Semifinale Mosca 2013 - 100 m ostacoli

Batterie Mosca 2013 - 4x100 m


European Championship

Batterie Barcellona 2010 - 100 m ostacoli

5° Helsinki 2012 - 100 m ostacoli

Semifinale Zurigo 2014 - 200 m

Semifinale Zurigo 2014 - 100 m ostacoli

4° Zurigo 2014 - 4x100 m


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