Date of birth: 30/07/1988

Place of Birth: Zurigo

m. 1,83,


Speciality Individual


Born originally in Zurich, but an Italian citizen, he became known amongst amateurs in 2008, when he won the first prize at the Medal National Championship, the Italian Match Play tournament and the Italian International Championships. Great friend of Matteo Manassero, he became a professional in 2011 and immediately had his first success in Morocco, collecting other good placings thereafter, during his first year as pro. In 2014, he continued his growth, dominating the Alps Tour with two consecutive victories, as only Emmanuel Lattanzi had managed before him. He is also very comfortable with competing for Italy, winning the individual cup of the 2010 European Nations Championship, contributing to getting Italy to the second place in the team ranking. In his free time, he likes to devote himself to other disciplines, such as tennis and snowboarding, as he can rely on his father, who is a coach for both sports.

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Records and medals in international, national and youth competitions

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Go to the Qualified Athletes List Status: Individual spots 11/07/2016
First Club: Gardagolf Country Club
First Coach: Franco Maestroni
Coach: Alberto Binaghi
Other sports: Tennis
Hobby: Yoga, television
Relationship Status: Single


Other results

1° Cimar Open Samanah 2011 (EPD Tour)
1° Campionato Nazionale Open 2011
1° Open de St. François Region Guadeloupe 2014 (Alps Tour)
1° Asiago Open 2014 (Alps Tour)

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